Pregnancy Physiotherapy
I offer women’s health physiotherapy in London and Surrey for women during pregnancy. Your body undergoes a catalogue of changes during pregnancy and postnatally and as a result aches and pains, especially in the back and pelvis, are very common. We know that conditions like pelvic girdle pain are best treated early otherwise they can take much longer to resolve. My aim is to make you as comfortable as possible in pregnancy so you can feel confident, strong and well prepared going into your delivery and early motherhood. I want you to feel knowledgeable about exercising in pregnancy and what modifications are needed in order to avoid injuries to your abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
How Can I Help
All my pregnancy physiotherapy sessions can be carried out in my Surrey clinic or in the comfort of your own home in South West London or Surrey. I have a wealth of experience treating and resolving a number of different problems during pregnancy, and these include:
Treatment for back, pelvic, pubic or coccyx pain
Bladder or bowel problems such as leaking (urine, stool or wind) or constipation
Postural advice and overall wellness during your pregnancy
Treatment of prolapse
Birth preparation
Exercise advice and individualized exercise programmes
Liason with other healthcare professionals involved in your treatment
Liason with other fitness professionals e.g. personal trainers, pilates instructors (at your request)
Pelvic floor rehabilitation during pregnancy
Certain aches and pains in pregnancy can impact your labour. I can provide you with practical, evidence based advice on how best to cope with your labour in light of these, as well as documenting in your pregnancy notes and liaising with your midwife or Obstetrician as necessary.
I offer a range of services for the postnatal period. Initial consultations start from £135 and follow up appointments start from £75.

Pregnancy MOT
I also offer a pregnancy MOT - an essential for any mum in pregnancy. We are so often well prepared for the arrival of our babies but much less well prepared for the impact this has on our bodies both during pregnancy and in those early weeks postnatally. By six weeks postnatal, when you have your six week GP check, a lot has happened, so my pregnancy MOT helps to equip you with the knowledge you need both during pregnancy and to help you navigate those early weeks post birth. The pregnancy MOT includes:
A comprehensive internal assessment of your pelvic floor muscles including how to correctly contract and relax them
Assessment and treatment of any hip, pelvic, coccyx or back pain
Advice on labour, preparing your pelvic floor and pelvis for delivery
Advice on how to exercise safely during pregnancy and how to minimise tummy separation (rectus diastasis)
Providing you with a postpartum plan to help kick start your safe recovery postnataly and acknowledge your needs in those first ninety days after delivery (fourth trimester)
Discussing any concerns you may have around the birth and the relevance of any current pelvic floor dysfunctions

Postnatal physiotherapy
I offer women’s health physiotherapy in London and Surrey for women postnatally. Adjusting to your new post baby body can be a challenge and even more so when you’re desperate to get back into shape but don’t have a clue where to start, what’s safe and what’s not. Trawling the internet can be a minefield or you might feel like you just don’t have the time or energy to search multiple websites, podcasts and books for the answers.
If things feel great, you’re symptom free and you had a straightforward delivery it’s still important to get properly assessed following the birth of your baby. You have still made, grown and birthed another human! Symptoms don’t always manifest themselves after your first delivery but during or after a subsequent pregnancy, when you are peri-menopausal or menopausal. Don’t wait until things go wrong. If you feel pain, odd sensations down below or in your tummy, or you leak don’t ignore it. Research is showing that being seen early by a Women’s Health Physiotherapist after giving birth is reducing the presence of long term pelvic health issues. The postnatal MOT is a must!
How Can I help
All my postnatal physiotherapy sessions can be carried out in my Surrey clinic or in the comfort of your own home in South West London or Surrey. I have a wealth of experience treating and resolving a number of different problems postnatally and these include:
Treatment for back, pelvic, pubic or coccyx pain
Bladder or bowel problems such as leaking (urine, stool or wind) or constipation
Postural advice and dealing with the physical demands of being a mum through changing nappies, feeding, lifting etc.
Treatment of prolapse
Treatment of perineal or caesarean scar pain
Treatment of 3rd/4th degree perineal tears
Pain with sex
Treatment of tummy separation (rectus diastasis) and rebuilding the abdominal wall post birth
Exercise advice and individualized exercise programmes
Liason with other healthcare professionals involved in your treatment
Liason with other fitness professionals e.g. personal trainers, pilates instructors (at your request)
Pelvic floor rehabilitation postnatally
I offer a range of services for the postnatal period. Initial consultations start from £135 and follow up appointments start from £75.

Postnatal MOT
This is an essential for anyone who has had a baby, regardless of the type of delivery, whether it was six weeks or six years ago and whether you’re having any pelvic floor symptoms or pain or whether you just want to return to exercise safely and free from injury. The postnatal MOT is a detailed assessment of the strength, recruitment and function of your core (pelvic floor, abdominal muscles and diaphragm). It involves an assessment of your posture and how you move and includes the below:
Personalised advice on returning to exercise and a safe activity plan
Individualised treatment tailored to your specific needs and concerns
Abdominal retraining regardless of your type of delivery
Suitable any time from six weeks postnatal
As part of your postnatal MOT I am also able to treat any of the following complaints:
Perineal scar pain
Caesarean scar pain and sensitivity
Lower back or pelvic pain
Coccyx pain
Pain with sex
Reduced bladder or bowel control including leaking of urine, stool or wind
Tummy muscle separation (rectus diastasis)
Perineal tears including 3rd /4th degree tears
Call me now to book an appointment and start making your health and wellness what you want it to be!

Motherhood is an incredible journey, but your body and mind go through profound changes during pregnancy and childbirth. I have teamed up with Laura, a Kinesiologist and Postnatal doula from Mama Nurtured to create the ultimate Postnatal Recovery Package—the first of its kind to offer truly comprehensive care for new mums.
This unique collaboration combines expert physical, emotional, and nutritional support to help you heal and thrive in your postpartum journey.
The Physical Part
I will conduct an in-depth postnatal MOT, providing you with a thorough physical check following the birth of your baby. I will assess your movement, breathing, and pelvic floor, check for prolapse or diastasis recti, and examine any c-section or perineal scars. I will also address any concerns you may have and provide bespoke exercises and an individualised action plan to optimise your physical recovery. My care will give you peace of mind and help you rebuild your strength and confidence in a safe and effective way.
The Emotional & Nutritional Part
Laura takes a complementary approach, addressing the emotional and nutritional aspects of your postnatal recovery through kinesiology. Many physical issues can have underlying emotional causes, and Laura will help you release stored feelings around your birth or postnatal experience. Her treatments are designed to help you reconnect with your body, reduce stress, and feel supported as you navigate motherhood. Laura also works to balance your hormones, improve your energy levels, and identify any nutritional imbalances that could be impacting your recovery. Her holistic approach ensures that you feel nurtured on every level—body, mind, and spirit.
This unique package offers an unmatched level of care, combining two areas of expertise to treat both the physical and emotional aspects of postnatal recovery. Together, Laura and I will help you recover, release, and truly thrive as a new mum.
Cost: £250 (includes two separate appointments: one with me and one with Laura). Please follow the booking link below to arrange this consultation.